ROBERT Muwereza, Uganda’s promising young writer and poet seems to be gaining more literary energy with the release of his latest fictional novel carrying two short stories, “Shelton Island” and “The One I Love.”
“Shelton Island” is about the life of a six-year-old American boy called Kevin who survives a shipwreck and is rescued by Hensen, a Shilton chief. Hensen decides to raise Kevin secretly with the knowledge that once the Shiltons discover this, his life and Kevin’s will come to an end.
Above is the picture of Muwereza taken by MORGAN MBABAZI.
The Island of Shelton is far from modernity. Shiltons live in caves. Some build grass thatched tents; others build houses on trees or sleep wherever they think is safe. During the evening fires elders tell out stories and myths to the juveniles.
Kevin secretly falls in love with a Shilton princess, Keira. She later gets pregnant. When Hensen learns of the pregnancy he warns Kevin that: “There is so much mystery about the Shiltons. They will never accept a non Shilton to live with them. They believe all this island belongs to them. You better leave the mistress alone from today and forever!”
“Keira, you know very well the person you are to marry, don’t you? Hensen asked. “Yes I know, but here is my choice,” she responded.
After a lot of pleading for protection by Kevin and Keira, Hensen promises that: “Well, I will do my best but be prepared for the worst.”
Even after Hensen pleaded with Shiltons to accept Kevin into their society after 17 years of living in secrecy, the people did not show any form of appreciation and acceptance. It was as if Hensen had betrayed them. Hensen gave him a Shilton name – Isyle, which Kevin rejected.
Amidst rejection and fear, Kevin, who lost all members of his family lived on the isles working and leaning new things. His age mates often contended with him. His colour and texture was another disqualification. He was pale-brown skinned while the Shiltons were reddish-brown. His hair was brown compared to their long dark hair.
After an attempt to torture and throw him into the sea by a section of Shiltons, the Island’s father, Bacco rescued Kevin and appointed him to head the security of the kingdom.
Soon life on the isles is disrupted when greedy foreigners took it over and exploit its minerals and timber for export to far away lands. Armed with guns and led by Golo, the invaders force every Shilton, young and old to participate unwillingly in the colonialist exploitation. They work from sunrise to sunset.
Every evening Golo supplies them with toxic drinks to make them drank by night and by day to work – to work without asking for wages – to work without questioning him.
Some Shiltons revise the changes Golo had brought but cared little. To them food and liquors were enough. They thought of no redemption. They thought life was normal.
Prior to the outright plunder, Golo used to exchange the isles natural wealth with cloths, biscuits, chocolates, chewing gum, radios, generators, cassette tapes, bulbs, wires, bags, salt, knickers and liquors. He introduced alcohol abuse on the isles.
“The One I Love,” revolves around two young children: Elton and Elizabeth who fall in love and promise to marry when they grow up. Their dreams are shattered sadly when Elizabeth’s parents perish in car accident. Elizabeth is later taken away from Sacramento by her brother, Carlos, a notorious mafia to Mexico.
Elton is restless and longs for Elizabeth. He keeps getting memories of the missing Elizabeth - a girl who became an orphan at the age of six years. He decides to search the world till he finds her in Mexico. He meets his death while fighting with Carlos to return his childhood love to sacrament. Carlos and Elizabeth are also killed by police as they resist arrest.
Elton’s life is made up of determination, lack and misfortune. He rose within a short time from cleaner to head the cookery department of Hotel Boreen. He was the youngest among all the workers and managers. He executed his new responsibility with diligence and excellence which resulted into a remarkable increment in the profits for the hotel after a long time.
Nico, the owner of the hotel is pleased with Elton’s achievements and he appoints him as the overall manager. But Elton abandons a promising hospitality career following workplace intrigue, hate and malice.
Soon Elton was leading a secret gangster lifestyle. He only abandoned this dangerous life when his fellow gangster, George is killed when they were both attempting top break into a jewelry shop.
Elton leaves for Mexico after getting the address where to find Elizabeth. He is robbed at the hotel and is mugged on the streets. He is exploited in weekend boxing fights by Pablo. He does not understand exactly why he fought and yet he did not get what he was promised. He felt unsettled in his heart. Eventually he sneaks into Carlo’s mansion where his life ends in death.
BESIDES writing short stories ROBERT MUWEREZA also writes drama scripts. His short fictional novels include: The Wounded Soul, After Midnight, The Eye of Sorrow, Cecilia and Maybe Tomorrow. His dream is to work in the film industry and have his stories on the screen. He is a student at Kyambogo University. He talked to BAMUTURAKI MUSINGUZI. Excerpts:
When did you start writing? And what motivated you?
I was eleven years. I used to write and send out stories to newspapers that had 'children's corner.' When I was in my senior one at City High School, we used to read literature books. The book, 'African Child' by Kamara turned my mind around. The idea of writing a book birthed in my life. One year later I wrote a story about the life of a poor African child titled the 'The Wounded Soul,’ most of which was my life experience growing up in a very poor family.
How do manage to combine writing and poetry and from which do derive the most pleasure?
I can say the art of writing is God given. Poetry is circumstantial. Lines drop in my heart. Sometimes, it's out of emotions that I write what I feel. Sometimes I cry while writing poems. Sometimes I smile. Any poet will tell you that poetry is from the heart. And the best poem is that you write out of emotions, not thinking. Most of my books are fiction. Poetry and writing are linked. Each enhances the other.
Why do you prefer short stories?
I don't prefer short stories. Actually I admire big volume novels. Every time I look at the novels like the Painted House, The Da Vinci Code, Eleventh Estate, I think of writing big volumes. I have begun with small volumes.
Do you plan to venture into writing long stories in future?
Yes, I do. Am currently working on a novel that I hope will have over 300 pages. Writing long stories is a stage I have just reached.
You seem to tackle a number of topics in your works? Do you intend to specialize as you gain experience?
No, at the moment am looking at being Robert Muwereza the author. I want to be the best I can be and am doing a lot from which probably I will find what will make me the best Robert.
What hurdles have you encountered as a young writer?
The biggest one is; people undermining me and not believing a young man like me, a high school student can write a good story. Worse of all, my own family doesn't believe in me. They don't see sense in this business of novels. Actually that is why I am doing Statistics and Economics at Kyambogo University after which, I will pursue my heart that is taking on literature or join a movie academy in California, USA. The second challenge is; being discouraged by people even by my close friends. Publicity and technical support is another challenge.
Ugandans have a poor culture of reading. How should they be encouraged to read more?
Many people in Uganda are poor and troubled, too entangled and stressed that they can’t concentrate to read a story and finish it. People, start by reading one page of anything before you, someday you will read 100 pages. Am working with some people to put up a literature festival majorly to encourage and uplift the reading culture in Uganda.
What is your advice to young aspiring writers?
Writing and publishing is possible. Writing can change your life and future. You can turn those thoughts, ideas and stories into a novel that the world may like.
You have released a number of short novels what is your best?
My favorite book is Anna Banana. With that book, I feel a success managing to surface the life of Anna, an American who falls in love with a young Ugandan man who is a king to be. The world around them turns into a bitter one. Their journey of life is marked by the will to live, the courage to survive and the power to love. One thing, like any artist, we have a saying "The next work is the best one".
How would you gauge the Ugandan book industry and novels in particular?
In Uganda, we have a very poor book Industry where writing is given less attention. My first book wasn’t well received in Uganda. That is why I actually took on foreign literature. In America, Europe and Australia I am respected unlike here at home. We have a lot of talented authors who have died with untold stories because of the poor structure of Ugandan book industry. Few publishing houses will accept a literature manuscript but will welcome majorly academic/textbook manuscripts. I am lucky to have my books are published in America. Writing can shape the world. Even when the author is dead, the message goes on.
This is the best atticle I have ever read.iam proud of whoever muwereza Robert is and what his doing and would like to encourage him , advise him to continue writing irrespective, not minding what people think and say in his life for people who love and appreciate literature in Uganda still exist.... I will be glad if more short stories, novels are published by him #am a proud literature student in Uganda
ReplyDeleteThis is the best atticle I have ever read.iam proud of whoever muwereza Robert is and what his doing and would like to encourage him , advise him to continue writing irrespective, not minding what people think and say in his life for people who love and appreciate literature in Uganda still exist.... I will be glad if more short stories, novels are published by him #am a proud literature student in Uganda